Dear Hope East,

We put out this annual budget report every year for the following reasons: 1) To celebrate what God has done through our finances; 2) To be transparent - “Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body”; and 3) To encourage our church community to continue to be faithful in giving towards the body God has called us to love.


We are grateful for all those who gave financially this past year! Our 2020 Total Annual Giving was $321,131.94. In addition, we received generous outside grants from the Mustard Seed Foundation $12,000.00, Redeemer City to City $30,000.00, and the government Paycheck Protection Program $42,000.00, giving us a total annual revenue of $405,131.64.

The total expenses were 308,766.74 and the breakdown is as follows: 1) Personnel $232,545.45 (salaries for three full time pastors, a part-time children’s director, a part-time tech person, and set-up and breakdown people); 2) Staff Ministry Expense $2,798.36; 3) Facilities $24,132.22 (Sunday service lease, office rental, and driveway rental for church van); 4) Missions $24,155.26 (support of short and long term missionaries, church plants, and our public school); 5) Administration $9,906.11 (accounting fees, insurance, Planning Center, CCLI, website, and misc.); 6) Ministries $8,797.79 (includes baptisms, events, home groups, tots/kids/youth/college ministries); 7) Sunday Service Operating Expenses $4,978.54 (monthly meals, guest speakers, and hospitality); 8) Special Services $161.15 (services for Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday, Good Friday, Thanksgiving and Lent); 9) Equipment $4,688.56 (worship and hospitality equipment).


Included in our Annual Giving was $15,551.00 that we raised for our COVID-19 Benevolence Fund. We used the funds for 1) Supporting/encouraging our essential workers in March/April 2020; 2) Purchasing Chromebooks to donate to PS41Q when the DOE lacked the resources to distribute to students in need for remote learning; and 3) Given to those struggling in our community financially as a result of COVID-19.


Also included in our Annual Giving was $6,347.00 we raised in a year end giving campaign for our missionary Jane Kim serving in Tokyo, Japan. $6,000.00 of those funds will be used to support Jane for 2021 and $347.00 will be carried over into supporting her cause in 2022.

It has been another awesome year of dreaming and visioning with our Leadership Team. I am so blessed and humbled to see our congregation pour into our community even during a pandemic. Thank you for journeying with us, and I am excited for what God has in store for 2021!

In Christ,

David Jung

“We love because he has first loved us.” - John 4:19