We are grateful for all those who gave financially this past year! Our 2019 Total Annual Giving was $277,122.01. In addition, we received generous grants from the Redeemer City to City ($20,000.00) and our denomination Foursquare Church ($50,000.00 - this will be our final year of getting denominational support), giving us a total annual revenue of $347,122.01.
The total expense breakdown $320,789.27 is as follows: 1) Personnel $203,912.90 (salaries for three full time pastors, a part-time children’s director, a part-time tech person, and set-up and breakdown people); 2) Staff Ministry Expense $6,207.40; 3) Facilities $36,467.88 (Sunday service lease, office rental, and driveway rental for church van); 4) Missions $34,467.88 (support of short and long term missionaries, church plants, and our public school); 5) Administration $10,863.90; 6) Ministries $15,383.81 (includes baptisms, events, home groups, tots/kids/youth/college ministries); 7) Sunday Service Operating Expenses $4,978.54 (monthly meals, guest speakers, and hospitality); 8) Special Services $2,099.91 (services for Christmas Eve, Easter Sunday, Good Friday, Thanksgiving and Lent); 9) Equipment $5,955.79 (worship and hospitality equipment).